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- Written by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
- Category: Party Documents
Conditions for membership, member rights and duties
Article 1: Each and every compatriot, irrespective of his or her sex, ethnicity, language, region, religion or political background, who has completed eighteen years of age and does not have membership in any other political party, and who accepts and approves the programme and constitution of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) and commits him/herself to implementing its decisions can become a member of the SPA, provided that (s)he has not committed any crime or national treason.
Article 2: Attainment of membership shall be through a written application by the aspirant and the endorsement of two members of the leadership council of the pertaining section.
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- Written by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
- Category: Party Documents
Even during its quasi-democratic period (1963-73) Afghanistan was one of the most backward countries of the world. The domination of the Russian occupiers and their agents and the terror and barbarism unleashed over the last two decades have, more than anything else, devastated the country.
Despite the invasion of Afghanistan by the “international alliance” and the ISAF military contingents, the situation in the country has become even more critical and our homeland still languishes in instability, insecurity, war and the tyranny of warlords and their literary apologists. Ethnic, tribal, regional, religious and linguistic discord impair our national unity, and the majority of the people, particularly women, who experience the most horrendous violations of human rights in different forms still cannot feel safe. Despite their heroic resistance and suffering over a million casualties, vast segments of the population neither have adequate food nor shelter, nor do they have access to educational, health or other basic services.
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- Written by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
- Category: Party Documents
Six SPA members arrested by Karzai’s secret police
On December 1, 2011 the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) staged demonstrations, attended by over a thousand demonstrators from diverse Afghan ethnic groups, in Kabul in condemnation of the sell-out of our country under the guise of ratification by the Loya Jirga of the US-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement. The demonstrations were covered from beginning to end by most local and international media outlets who conducted numerous interviews with party spokespersons and demonstration attendants. In the days leading to the demonstrations, thousand of leaflets had been widely distributed throughout Kabul city and members and supporters of SPA handed out the party’s statement, The American Loya Jirga notches another ignominy, throughout Kabul and a number of other cities. The statement and the summons to staging the demonstrations were widely welcomed and innumerable solidarity calls were received.
The demonstrations organised by our party aggravated the stooge government and its masters. They therefore immediately took countermeasures by employing two different means: the secret police of the National Directorate for Security began persecuting and arresting SPA activists, and the government bore down upon the local and international media to desist from transmitting news of the SPA-organised demonstrations. It was for this reason that no media outlet aired any report on the party’s action.
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- Written by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
- Category: Party Documents
Once again, the Loya Jirga (Grand Assembly) was rascally misused by a handful of well-known people, who have repeatedly proved themselves criminals, lackeys, embezzlers and anti-people, along with nods of Karzai’s puppet regime; and predictably agreed to sell Afghanistan to the US aggressors. With just a gesture from their US masters, Karzai and his disciples wasted 10 million US$ from our poor nation’s treasury for a hypocrite move, so they can fool the world by propagating that this disgraceful treason supposedly took place “with the guidance of the Afghan nation”.
In the past, Russian puppets the Khalq and Parcham arch-traitors arranged similar fraudulent Jirgas to justify their servitude to the “big northern neighbor” under the name of consultation with the nation. This did not serve their purpose and they were thrown in the bin of history along with their masters. Today, once again, Karzai’s puppet government is replicating the failed and shameful attempts of Russian agents, but today our people are conscious enough not to fall for such treacherous games.
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- Written by SPA
- Category: Party Documents
Even during its quasi-democratic period (1963-73) Afghanistan was one of the most backward countries of the world. The domination of the Russian occupiers and their agents and the terror and barbarism unleashed over the last two decades have,more than anything else, devastated the country.
Despite the invasion of Afghanistan by the “international alliance” and the ISAF military contingents, the situation in the country has become even more critical and our homeland still languishes in instability, insecurity, war and the tyranny of warlords and their literary apologists. Ethnic, tribal, regional, religious and linguistic discordimpair our national unity, and the majority of the people, particularly women, who experience the most horrendous violations of human rights in different forms still cannot feel safe. Despite their heroic resistance and suffering over a million casualties, vast segments of the population neither have adequate food nor shelter, nor do they have access to educational, health or other basic services. Government and non-government bodies are awash in graft, bribery and influence peddling. Freedom of expression, freedom of the media and freedom to form political parties are stifled. Afghans produce the highest numbers of immigrant and displaced persons in the world. Due to the prevalence of backward relations of production and of interest groups serving foreign interests, our country is still a welcoming lair for indigenous and international terrorists. And last, but not least, ours is a society whose history of the past half century has been benighted by the shadow of fascism, terrorism and barbarism, a society that has never known or enjoyed real democracy. The challenge before us is to build this country and usher our agonised nation to prosperity and progress.
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- Written by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
- Category: Party Documents
Today, on 7th October, a decade has passed since the invasion of Afghanistan by the US and allies; an invasion hardly different from that of the Russians on the Dark Day of December 27,1979. The US, having learnt from the raw action of the Russians, used her massive propaganda machine to mentally prepare the people of the world for this invasion, and then cunningly convinced more than 40 other countries through the UN for invading our country, under the false banner of “war on terror”, “reconstruction”, “democracy”, “human rights” etc. US and allies toppled the medieval-aged Taliban regime within a few weeks and instead imposed on our hapless people the most corrupt and anti-humanity government in the world.
Terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, these inhumane phenomena, have been nourished to a monster through the covert and open policies and programs of the US in the last four decades; that have not only burnt the Afghan people in their conflagration of ignorance, crimes and barbarism, but also affected many other countries. It was the US government that helped pave the way for Afghanistan’s destruction by providing financial and military support to criminal fundamentalist bands.
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- Written by SPA
- Category: Party Documents
If at one time Afghanistan was the graveyard of its enemies, doubtless today this country has become a collector’s showcase of aggressors and meddlers. Except for criminals and their ilk, no honourable and patriotic Afghan can accept the prevailing corruption or the bullying and humiliation imposed on it by its neighbours.
Now, after years of fighting and committing crimes in Helmand, Kandahar, Zabul, Kunduz, Wardak and other provinces, the locus of the fighting has been dragged to the east of the country. It is now the turn of the inhabitants of the eastern parts of our country to be decimated and driven out of their homes by Pakistani bombardment, US and NATO assaults and Taliban savagery. The unabashed roughshod riding of the Pakistani militarists which has claimed the lives of hundreds of our defenceless compatriots is in conformity with the policies of the occupiers. The aim is to create fear and use the Pakistani threat as a rationale for perpetuating their presence in Afghanistan and for underlining the “necessity” of setting up their permanent military bases here, thus setting the stage for the perpetual bondage of our country.
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- Written by SPA
- Category: Party Documents
Note: A representative of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan attended the Afghanistan conference organized by The Left Party of Germany on Jan.28-29, 2011 in Berlin. Below we publish the English translation of his speech.
Dear friends of the German Left Party,
First of all I would like to express the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan’s gratitude for inviting a representative of a real democratic, anti-fundamentalist party to all the conferences held in Afghanistan up to now, where the attendance of anti-democracy fundamentalists has always been a constant. This could be the only conference in Afghanistan in which no Afghan criminals have been invited to participate, and for this reason you have earned the applause and commendation of the Afghan people.
Since most of our friends here have spoken and will continue to speak about the catastrophic situation in Afghanistan and the unequalled calamities that have befallen our devastated land, I would prefer to dwell less on the current situation and concrete examples of the rampant crimes, plunder, treacheries, corruption and the “mafiasation” of our society in its entirety, and speak more about the need of a democratic movement and the betrayal of Afghan freedom-seekers at the hands of Western powers during the past three decades.
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- Written by SPA
- Category: Party Documents
Not only have we always endeavoured to expose the crimes of all those associated with 7th and 8th Saur (1), we regard these two black days as eternal stains of shame in the history of our blighted country and as the starting point of all the misfortunes of our hapless people. Today, after years of anguish and suffering, instead of seeing these criminal gangs of Khadis (2) and Jihadis either on the gallows or rotting away behind bars, we see them rampaging at the highest rungs of the mullah-mafia state in Kabul, under the patronage of their Western masters, particularly the American invaders.
These gangs, acting as the sworn enemies of the people of Afghanistan and as the cudgels of Russian, American and regional pillagers, have not spared any effort at devastating our beloved country, throttling the cry of independence in the throats of the people and inculcating decadent fundamentalist and capitulationist thoughts and treacherous cravings in their minds.
The quisling “7th Saurites” prostrated themselves at the feet of Soviet social-imperialism with their trademark cries of “hurray” and with the slogan of “shelter, clothing, bread” on their lips. They tortured the best and worthiest children of the motherland in the ghoulish torture chambers of Khad and mowed them down in their Polygon killing fields. But the flames of the legendary resistance of our people, whether inside the Hitlerite prisons of the Khalq and Parcham gangs or in all corners of the country, incinerated the aggressors and their indigenous mercenaries.
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- Written by SPA
- Category: Party Documents
Despite the frequent bombardments and killings by the U.S. military forces and the Taliban and the civilian casualties all across Afghanistan, the puppet Afghan government and some western-backed intellectuals are talking about the permanent U.S. military bases in Afghanistan and are trying to count it a huge achievement for Afghanistan and a real cause of prosperity in the country.
The involvement of the US government in Afghanistan, that has a history of cruelty, has not only improved conditions in the country, but the increase of corruption, poverty, murders, poppy cultivation and trafficking, supporting criminals and the tempting of talented young Afghans through providing huge salaries and scholarships and the employment of a huge number of CIA trained intellectuals as spokesmen for the president and the cabinet ministers, were among the challenges the country faced in the past one decade.
Party Documents
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