Constitution of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan


Conditions for membership, member rights and duties

Article 1: Each and every compatriot, irrespective of his or her sex, ethnicity, language, region, religion or political background, who has completed eighteen years of age and does not have membership in any other political party, and who accepts and approves the programme and constitution of the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) and commits him/herself to implementing its decisions can become a member of the SPA, provided that (s)he has not committed any crime or national treason.

Article 2: Attainment of membership shall be through a written application by the aspirant and the endorsement of two members of the leadership council of the pertaining section.

Article 3: Every member has, without any discrimination whatsoever, the right to criticise, propose, vote and stand for election to any post of the SPA.

Article 4: Every member is obliged to support the SPA both financially, through payment of membership dues (minimum one percent of monthly income), and by other material and moral contributions.

Article 5: Every member of the SPA is required to endeavour to attract as many patriotic individuals as possible, irrespective of their ethnic, tribal, clan, regional, religious or denominational affiliations, to support and attain membership of the SPA and to defend and propagate democratic values in Afghan society.

Article 6: Resignation from membership of the SPA is, like accession to its membership, open and voluntary.

Article 7: In case of serious violation of SPA principles, a member can be expelled on the basis of a proposal made by the pertinent Council, endorsement of the proposal by a Council two levels superior to the proposing Council, and subsequent to exhaustion of the cautionary phases of notification, instruction, warning and suspension of membership. A suspension period should not exceed three months. Membership is terminated in cases of serious wilful violations and betrayal of SPA. An appeal by the expelled member shall be appraised by the Supervision and Legal Bureau of SPA.

Article 8: Funding sources of the SPA:

  1. Collection of membership dues
  2. Sales of party publications
  3. Collection of donations from members, supporters and national businessmen
  4. Income of party-affiliated business enterprises



Organisational Structure

Article 9: The leading party organs, in order of authority, are as follows:

  1. General Council
  2. Executive Council
  3. Standing Committee of the Executive Council
  4. Provincial Councils
  5. City Councils
  6. District Councils
  7. Woloswali (Rural District) Councils
  8. Nomad Councils
  9. Local Councils
  10. Immigrants’ Councils (on a par with Provincial Councils)


  1. The General Council is the highest leadership body of the SPA. Sessions of the General Council are attended by the majority of party members and convenes once a year. The General Council is comprised of members of Provincial Councils and (under the present circumstances) Immigrants’ Councils. The General Council addresses the most fundamental issues and has the authority to revise and amend the Constitution, the Programme, the core policies, the logo and the name of the SPA, and to supervise and assess the activities of the Executive Council.


    The Speaker of the General Council, who is also the Chairman of the Executive Council, and his two deputies, are elected by the General Council for a period of one year. The General Council will have 43 members. This number can be increased in case of need. Sessions of the General Council are convened with the participation of the majority of members once a year; they can be convened at shorter intervals if required. The General Council selects the Executive Committee from amongst its members.

  2. The Executive Council leads the SPA in the interval between two sessions of the General Council, to which it is answerable. The Executive Council is comprised of 9 members who meet with a majority quorum once every three months. The Executive Council meets more frequently if required. Convocation of emergency sessions of the General Council falls under the authority of the Executive Council.
  3. The Standing Committee of the Executive Council will manage the routine affairs of the SPA in the interval between two sessions of the Executive Council and is comprised of the Chairperson, two Vice Chairpersons and two members selected from the Executive Council. The Standing Committee shall be answerable to the Executive Council.
  4. Provincial Councils are comprised of elected representatives of provincial centres and provincial rural districts.
  5. City Councils are comprised of elected representatives of urban areas.
  6. District Councils are comprised of elected district representatives.
  7. Woloswali Councils are comprised of representatives of local and woloswali center councils.
  8. Local Councils are comprised of elected representatives of villages and hamlets.


Article 10: The authority vested in the Speaker includes:

  1. Convoking emergency sessions of the Executive Council
  2. Appointing and dismissing officials of SPA with the endorsement of the majority of the Executive Council
  3. Appointing the SPA Spokesperson with the approval of the majority of the Executive Council. In the absence of the Speaker and his deputies, the Executive Council shall appoint one of its members as the provisional Chairperson.
  4. Dismissal of the Speaker shall be through a two-third majority vote of members and dismissal of the Deputy Speakers shall be effected through a simple majority of votes. In the event of the demise or resignation of the Speaker of the General Council, one of his deputies shall assume the leadership of SPA until the convocation of the General Council. This interim shall be no longer than three months.


Article 11: Decision making in all issues and conflicts, at all levels of the SPA, shall be made by majority vote in the pertaining Council.

Article 12: The General Council shall have the following subordinate organs, all of which will be responsible to the General Council, and in the interim between session of the General Council to the Executive Council and its Standing Committee:

  1. Organisational Bureau
  2. Cultural Bureau (propaganda, publications, sports, arts)
  3. Financial Bureau
  4. Relations Bureau
  5. Bureau of Women’s Affairs
  6. Social Services Bureau
  7. Bureau of Immigrants’ Affairs
  8. Supervision and Legal Bureau
  9. Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
  10. Bureau of Tradesmen’s Affairs



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