The fascist attack of the Iranian Cleric regime on Afghan refugees will not go unanswered!

afghan refuges in iran

The notorious and murderous Iranian regime, which doesn’t recognize any human values, is world-renowned for killing, imprisoning and insulting freedom-seeking Iranians, women, national and religious minorities and refugees. This is why in the past three decades of Afghanistan's destruction; it hasn’t had the least sympathy towards our ill-fated refugees who suffer boundlessly.

The attack of the hound dogs of the filthy “Vilayat-e Faqih” (Guardian Jurist) regime of Iran on the shacks of our defenseless refugees, ban on their movement in cities, ban on their presences in public parks and playground, repeated hangings, throwing off Afghan workers from high-rise buildings, psychological and physical torture of our people in the Ghettos of Til-e-Siyah, Safed Sang, Askarabad and others, and other forms of violence are all examples of Akhundi oppression. These actions have been repeatedly committed against our displaced people by the Nazist government of Ahmadi Nejad – Khamenei and wrench the heart of every freedom-loving and noble human being. In the prison named Iran, under their “divine justice”, it has happened on many occasions that an innocent Afghan is hanged instead of a professional killer, a refugee worker is killed instead of a Basiji smuggler, and decent person is put in jail instead of a rapist.

Supporters of the brutal regime who attacked our poor people under the excuse of the rape of a young Iranian girl by an Afghan man, have no conscience and ignore the fact that the Basiji and “plain clothed” murderers of Iranian blood-thirsty regime assault and rape the struggler and noble women of Iran in their slaughter houses, only because they say no to Akhundi fascism; they rape virgin girls before they are hanged so that they can apparently stop their entrance into the heaven.

The leaders of the corrupt and mafia Kabul regime who are hirelings, awfully busy amassing fortunes, turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the shocking events and incidents of the country. These traitorous rulers didn’t create jobs for the youth so they could return from Iran and Pakistan, despite receiving billions of Dollars.

Yet still, because of their treacherous policies countless fed-up youngsters flee to other countries by accepting innumerable sufferings and dangers. The puppets in the Afghan presidential palace have always disgracefully worshiped the decadent governments of Iran and Pakistan by receiving bags of Dolllar from them; remained indifferent towards the mistreatments of both countries and consequently added to the hardships of our deprived compatriots.

The spies and so-called “intellectual” mercenaries of Iran in Afghanistan should be ashamed of this recent attack of the lapdogs of the regime on our compatriots, who instead continue their cowardly panegyric-writing for Khamenei the murderer, celebrate the anniversary of the Iranian regimes founder, trick our youngsters into the trap of Akhundi devils by setting up spying centers in Afghanistan cities, and cajole their masters through the media, but choose to forget the pains and anguishes of their oppressed people.

The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan clearly announced years back in its widespread protests against the crimes of the anti-freedom regime that the bloodthirsty Iranian regime is eternally condemned for its inhumane crimes against our people, just like it deserves annihilation at the hands of its own people, and will be held accountable for all these disasters in tomorrow's freedom, next to the Afghan criminals.

We announce our support for the uprisings of the brave freedom-seeking and anti-reactionary forces against the bloody rule of "Vilayat-e Faqih". We believe the inspiring struggle and clamor brought by the Iranian youth will dispose off this shameful stain of humanity to the bin of history. We are strengthened by the resistance of the political prisoners of Iran who have turned the slaughterhouses of the regime into battlefields, and send them our salutations. We send our warmest regards to Majid Tavakolis, Mehdia Golros, Jafar Panahis, Hila Sedighis, Nasrin Sotoudehs, Mansour Osanloos, Habib Gulpari Pors, Zeinab Jalalians and countless other political prisoners in Iran, we stand by them their pains and struggles. We believe that by the obliteration of the sordid tumor of the brutal regime of Iran, the people of Afghanistan will also be a step closer to attaining freedom and equality.

Down with the blood-thirsty “Vilayat-e-Faqih” regime in Iran!
Long live the unity of freedom-seeking forces of Iran and Afghanistan!

Solidarity Party of Afghanistan

July 7, 2012


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