The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan celebrated International Women's Day

March 8, 2021 - Kabul: The Solidarity Party of Afghanistan celebrated International Women's Day through a ceremony with the participation of a large number of its members and supporters.

In the introduction, the announcer of the program stated:

"The United States and its allies, who invaded Afghanistan with the false slogans of 'Democracy' and 'Women's Liberation' as well as commissioning the media and their shouter mercenaries to promote the appointment of a handful of Fulbright-graduate and despicable, Jihadi women such as Fawzia Kofi, Simin Hassanzadeh, Malala Shinwari, Shahgul Rezaei, Zainab Moahed, Mari Akrami, Shahrzad Akbar, Nahid Farid, Sima Samar, Habiba Sarabi, etc. in governmental and non-governmental institutions, to propagate 'freedom of women’, and in this way justify the ongoing violence in the country under Jihadi and Taliban barbarians. The deception did not last long, when the invader US government, in its first act, placed the fiercest enemies of the so-called 'Northern Alliance' women in its puppet government, and its true face and betrayal of the people and women of the country under the guise of 'democracy' and 'human rights' was exposed."

Later all the participants stood up to pay their respects to the women victims of the recent massacres, such as Shahnaz Roufi, Morsal Wahidi and Saadieh Sadat.

Speaking on behalf of the Solidarity Party, during her speech, Ms. Zala pointed:

Ms. Zala

"March 8 is a blessed day proposed by Clara Zetkin at the International Conference of Socialist Women in 1910 to commemorate the struggles of working-class women as International Women's Day which is till now celebrated all over the world.
We are celebrating this day while our devastated and grieved people, especially the women of this country, are suffering from various disasters of occupation: fundamentalism, misogyny, poverty and misery, killing and bloodshed, etc.; The poor women of our land are still beheaded and raped; They are stoned and burned; they commit suicide and self-immolation to save themselves from all this pain; And they endure dozens of other oppressions.
Our people must never forget that in the presence of the Jihadi, Taliban and technocratic rulers, all of whom are largely backed by the United States, Pakistan and Iran, no government, whether ‘republic’, ‘emirate’, ‘temporary’ or any other form would not change anything. These terms are just spoken of by the US government and its partners to embellish the rotten body of its atrocious servants. We must never forget that if the savage Taliban are killing our people by suicide and explosion attacks, the puppet government is forcing our people to death by taking the only piece of bread from them.
No wolf can save us from another wolf. We know that our enemies are powerful and wealthy, but we must not forget the secret: they are afraid of our unity. Let us go fight them with the motto of "Neither America, nor the Jihadists or the Taliban; power to the people!"

Parween, one of the young members of the Solidarity Party

Parween, one of the young members of the Solidarity Party recited a poem, and another youngster spoke about the struggles and sacrifices of the "Saturday Mothers", the mothers of the missing Turkish revolutionaries.

In addition to a few pieces of instrumental music, the party's supporters and youth also performed two songs, "I Am A Woman!" (a song written by Ghezaal Paridukht Ayati, a female Iranian revolutionary who was killed in a shootout against the wicked regime) and another song named "Mothers’ Uproar" written by Hadi Khursandi, sung and composed by Kurdish musician Rozhan Feyz.

At the end of the program, Mr. Rabi Popal played a few pieces of Settar.

Mr. Rabi Popal

International Women's Day ceremony by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
International Women's Day ceremony by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
International Women's Day ceremony by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
International Women's Day ceremony by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
International Women's Day ceremony by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan
International Women's Day ceremony by Solidarity Party of Afghanistan


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